what precautions to be followed while feeding black 6 mice with high fat. what is the susceptible infections mice are prone to and what is basic care to be taken during high fat feeding?
feeding mice with high fat diet is more o less the same as normal diet. I never encountered any infection in my animals due to high fat feeding. possibly they eat less at the beginning but there aren't any special care to be taken apart from monitoring food intake or weight.
To reduce the risk of contacting organisms transmitted by mice, you should practise these common sense precautions:
Eliminate mice from residential areas by removing food sources and access for mice.
Clean up mouse-contaminated areas by using wet methods, including disinfectants such as bleach.
Handle mice and other rodents with gloved hands.
Avoid sweeping and vacuuming when possible, or wear a dust mask to reduce exposure to fine dust particles. Campers should avoid obviously infested areas.
In high risk areas wear a high efficiency, particulate respirator (i.e. 3M model 9970).
Discourage children from playing with or trapping mice and should not keep wild mice as pets for "science projects"