These are ways to estimate the acute toxicity. Actually The most challenging point in these procedures is to use less animals. About Lorke's method this number is 13.
Well am also interested in the up and down method for the determination of LD50 but i have read the OECD procedure and am really confused about the statistical analysis and how to get the software. Can somebody help out?
Inorder to determine the suitable dose for your invvestigation you should find LD50 using various concentration of that matter and find affectable dose.
Prueba muy utilizada para clasificar la peligrosidad de las sustancias.La utilidad del método depende del efecto que se este buscando y la representación del animal de experimentación. Para el caso reglamentario al confiabilidad la da el Protocolo de método que se utilice, sugiero utilizar los protocolos armonizados especialmente los de u.s.a. o los de la Comunidad Europea que están disponibles en internet
Recently guidelines are being develop to derive ld50 from lc5o in cell culture of 3t3 filbroblast and normal human keratinocytes. These help in deciding starting dose of the oecd 425 starting dose