JOEEP: Journal of Emerging Economies and Policy

This journal implements a double-blind peer review. After an initial screening process to verify scope and format of article, each scientific paper is reviewed by at least two Professional reviewers. The journal provides feed back to authors about their articles’ status within four months.

JOEEP employs double blind review policy and according to that both the referees and author/s remain anonymous throughout the review process.

Authors submit their manuscripts to JOEEP via Dergipark online submission system. (Every article submitted to JOEEP is subjected to a plagiarism check through a software program.)

Upon submission, the article is subjected to a preliminary editorial assessment for scope, relevance and other requirements.

Manuscripts which do not meet the journal’s requirements are either rejected or returned for revisions at this inital point.

If the revised manuscript fullfills all the requirements, the editor assignes it to at least two reviewers with relevant expertise.

The editor sends invitations to potential reviewers through editorial manager. Those reviewers are to response the invitation in 7 days.

If the invitation/s are rejected, further one are issued until the required number of acceptances is obtained.

The reviewers have one month to check the paper.

Depending on the reviewers’ decision, the manuscript may be approved, rejected or sent back for revision.

If the paper is rejected by both of the reviewers, it is rejected immediately. If it is rejected by one of the referees, it is sent to a third one for review. The final decision regarding the manuscript is given after the third review.

If the manuscript is sent back for a revision, the author revise and submit the revised paper in 15 days.

The editor and/or the reviewers re-evaluate the paper, do their recommendations. If further revisions are required the manuscript is sent back to the author and re-evaluated again.

Lastly, the editor decides whether to accept or reject the manuscript.

The author is informed about each step

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