01 January 1970 1 10K Report

I would like to make a small volume of emulsion to deliver a vaccine that contains a peptide and DNA oligonucleotide, using PBS for the aqueous phase and Incomplete Freund's adjuvant as the oil. I put 300 ul of each liquid in a 1 ml syringe barrel (plastic) and used a 1/8th inch probe sonicator. I repeat 10 sec bursts alternating with cooling on ice, for several minutes. It forms an emulsion (I'm not sure if it's w/o or o/w, but a droplet of the emulsion fails the dispersal on water surface test. Any suggestions on how to make it more stable? And how do you determine whether it is o/w or w/o? I use such a small volume because the DNA ODN is expensive and we only use 10 ul per mouse.


Ed Roy

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