I am trying to inhibit one miRNA in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells using mirVana inhibitors (Thermo Fisher) and lipofectamine. I see efficient transfection since I in parallel transfect a cel-mir-39 mimic as transfection control but when I detect the miRNA levels of my inhibited miRNA using Taman assays after two days, I actually detect an increase in miRNA levels! (My values in fold increase with respect to untreated cells are a)negative control inhibitor: 2x increase, b)using 15pmol target inhibitor: 15x increase, c)using 50pmol target inhibitor: also around 15x increase.

I am wondering:

  • Might it be that me cells respond to the inhibitor treatment by upregulation the expression of the inhibited miRNA or do you think the miRNA is stabilized by binding to the inhibitor and, thus, not degraded?
  • I am not sure whether it is actually possible to detect the inhibition of the miRNA since it may not be degraded and the binding to its inhibitor may be transient so that I still detect the miRNA via qPCR even if it was binding the inhibitor in physiological conditions. But then, why does it even increase?
  • My negative control inhibitor also slightly increases the amounts of my miRNA of interest with respect to the untreated control. Why might this be?
  • Thank you so much for your help!

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