I have a 4.8 kb insert that I have been attempting to subclone into pcdna3.0 for months now. In pUC57 the insert seems to propagate just fine and maxipreps give good yields. The following day after doing ligations into pcdna3.0 the insert plate has about 2x more colonies than the vector plate. So presumably the subcloning is working. I pick all the clones on my insert plate and grow them up overnight in LB+Amp liquid culture. I do minipreps the next day followed by a diagnostic digest which always comes back negative. Sequencing tells the same story.
I am beginning to wonder if the insert is being lost during the overnight liquid culture. At the same time, the insert seems to do well in pUC57 under the same culture conditions so I am not sure what is going on. I am using DH5alpha.
I just need to get this insert into a mammalian expression vector for some future experiments.
Any help would be appreciated.