
I'm having trouble with my western blot transfer using Biorad Trans-Blot semi-dry system. It seems that very little protein gets transferred, and the rest is left on the gel.  I did Ponceau stain and saw a few bands on my PVDF membrane, and after a Coomassie stain of the gel (after transfer), there were still multiple bands, especially the high molecular weight ones left on the gel. Please see attached images of the Ponceau stain (with ladder), and the Commassie stained gel.  The ladder transferred just fine, which is why I didn't suspect anything until I did Coomassie.  Is there a good explanation why the ladder (protein standard) transferred ok but everything else didn't? 

I use the High MW transfer protocol (2.5A, 25V, 10min). This is the highest volt and amp the manual recommended. Would a longer transfer work?  

The only thing I could think of that might caused this issue is that I use NuPage Bis-Tris gel (not Biorad) running in NuPage buffer (MOPS-SDS) and then transferred using Biorad Turbo Transfer pack, and their proprietary buffers might not be compatible(?), although I rinsed the gel after it finished running so any SDS in the buffer should not carry over... Not sure if the is a real issue though. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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