Hi everyone, could you please send me any reference you know about Titanium or Nickel based alloys fatigue behavior? or if there's an article comparing them both, Let me know.
titanium alloys are in competition with nickel-based alloys particularly in aerospace applications, where the lower density of titanium alloys is of advantage. For these applications fatigue strength is of primary importance.
I suggest to have a look at the following papers:
-Comparing fatigue behavior of titanium and nickel-based alloys
Joachim Albrecht
Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 263, Issue 2, Pages 176-186 (1999)
Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0921509398011769
-An investigation of small fatigue crack behavior in titanium alloy TC4 under different stress levels
Lei Zhu, Xuteng Hu, Rong Jiang, Yingdong Song, Shoudao Qu
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Volume: 233 issue: 15, page(s): 5567-5578 (2019)
Available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0954410019852867
-The Very High Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
M.Janecek, F.Nový, P.Harcuba, J.Stráský, L.Trsko, M.Mhaede and L.Wagner
Available at: http://przyrbwn.icm.edu.pl/APP/PDF/128/a128z4p06.pdf
-Fatigue behavior in nickel-based superalloys: A literature review
L. Garimella, P. K. Liaw & D. L. Klarstrom
JOM, Vol. 49, Article number: 67 (1997)
Available directly on web and at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02914771
-Microstructural aspects offatigue in Ni-base superalloys
Stephen D. Antolovich
Phil.Trans.R.Soc.A373: 20140128 (2014)
Available at: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/pdf/10.1098/rsta.2014.0128
Enjoy reading and best regards, Pierluigi Traverso
Both are competitive and can be used specially in aerospace applications. The lower density of titanium alloys is of advantage. Micro structurally, Titanium alloys with duplex microstructures are found to be superior to lamellar structures with respect to fatigue at high stress amplitudes (LCF regime) and to microcrack propagation. At low stress amplitudes and with respect to macrocrack propagation, the tendency is reversed. In nickel alloys, a dominating effect of crack nucleation at hard particles is observed, which masks the positive effects of increased yield stress by grain refinement or γ′ modifications.
The microstructures of Ti-alloys are often duplex in nature, containing an intimate mixture of the high temperature ß-phase (bcc) and the low temperature a-phase (hcp). In general, the alloys fall into three major categories a, a/ß or ß. Above 873 K, simultaneaus oxide film formation and growth and oxygen dissolution into the metal forming a gas saturated layer are expected. Here, this might show very adverse effect on low cycle fatigue behavior. The fatigue properties depend also upon the a-grain size, the smaller the a-grain size the greater the fatigue resistance.
Nikel alloys
Besides the strength these materials need also resistance to fatigue loading including both high cycle fatigue from vibration or rotation bending and low cycle fatigue arising from the steep thermal gradients occurring during rapid start-up and shut-down of machineries. At 773 K a slight increase in crack growth and a small change in slope could be found. In, the threshold region at 773 K a very pronounced drop to a threshold value is apparent at R = 0.1 and R = 0.5. Here again the environmental effect (oxidation) plays an important role.
For more detail in depth refer this site may be quite useful for you.