
I am working on a project, in which we infect the mice with influenza virus and then we treat the mice with our compound or drug. and then we isolate the spleen of mice after 10 days to analyze the percentage of CD8+ T memory cells in the spleen.

First, I want to know, after infection of mice with influenza, we should expect which type of CD8+ T memory cells? I mean we can see all memory cells (Tscm, Tcm, Tem) in the spleen or not? is it possible to see only one type of them and not others?

for the second part of the project, I want to isolate Tscm and Tcm cells. after how many days should I sacrifice the mice to see these types of cells? 10 days are enough for the generation of Tscm cells and Tcm cells? (I think the generation of these types of cells takes a long time in comparison with Tem cells). is it true? because in the first experiment, after the infection of mice and the treatment I sacrificed the mice after 10 days, and then I analyzed the cells with the FACS machine, and around 90% of cells were Tem and I could not see any Tscm and Tcm.

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