
I performed 24 hr biofilm formation assay (a total of nine replicates for each bacterial strain). And from the OD570nm, I classify them according to their biofilm forming capacity by using the following guidelines.

OD ≤ ODc (non-biofilm producer), ODc < OD ≤ 2× ODc (weak biofilm producer), 2× ODc < OD ≤ 4× ODc (moderate biofilm producer) and 4× ODc< OD (strong biofilm producer).

However, when I performed statistical analysis one-way ANOVA, followed by post hoc bonferroni test, I found that the OD values of non, weak and moderate-formers have no significant difference. It seems weird.

Has anyone else have encountered this situation? from literature, it seems that bonferroni test are used mostly for multiple comparisons in biofilm assays, but is there a possibility that this test might not be so suitable?

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