Hi, I will be carrying out flow cytometry using whole blood (human) and I'm looking for a marker that is specific to human neutrophils only. Any suggestions? Thank you.
Hello, I believe that there aren't a single marker specific to identify neutrophils due its heterogeneity.
The best option to identify neutrophils is using a combination of markers, for example CD16high (unlike CD16low in monocytes), CD66b and a negative marker such as cd49d (in some subsets).
There is no single marker to specifically identify neutrophil but you can use CD16 to gate the neutrophils on the SSC/CD16 ( High SSC) but must bear in mind this are gates of heterogeneous populations of granulocytes. If your lab has the budget, can also use CD66abce to identify the population of interest. Granulocyte population (encompassing neutrophils) are easy to gate and so you may not require a negative marker.