I transformed some plants, grown from initial stages till rooting on 100- 50 mg kanamycin media. After extracting DNA I did PCR using Gene specific primers and got clear sharp bands of desired length (used ROSCH chromogenic detection kit). But when I performed southern after digesting with NcoI and SacI (one set) and HindII (other set) and probed with two different probes (gene specific and nptII) but in both blots I only got bands in control and nothing in the test DNA except a very light streak.

Does it mean that my plants are not transformed or some other reason? During processing of the blots I made one mistake; after DIG antibody-AP conjugate when I added blocking buffer its temperature was almost 50-60 C where as it is recommended to use RT. But if I did not get a band because of this reason then why I am getting bands in the control?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions and comments.

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