12 December 2015 11 3K Report

Recently, I am performing Western Blot about Dopamine Receptor(DR), a GPCR (G-protein coupled receptors). And the band for DR in Western Blot was not so obvious as shown in Immunofluorescence.

It was said that GPCR as seven-transmembrane protein should be boiled as cytosolic proteins. And I often boiled the samples at 95 degree for 7 minutes.

After comparing the samples boiled or unboiled, Western Blot should significant difference. The boiled sample showed one-band while the unboiled samples showed two-band, nearby the band shown in boiled samples.

So, does anyone can give me some suggestions about GPCR or Dopamine Receptors study in Western Blot? Should I boil the samples or not?

Thanks a lot!


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