29 January 2014 12 10K Report

I have performed an experiment in which THP-1 cells were exposed to a bacterial strain (heat killed) as a model of infection. I decided upon an MOI of 100 and performed the experiment with three time points for for RNA extraction. each time point was triplicated.

I am measuring the regulation of various THP-1 genes (lipid synthesis/trafficking cytokines, chemokine, transcription factors etc) in response to infection.

The Ct values that I get among each triplicate are quite different e.g. 23.78, 25.34 and 27.23

I have already checked that pcr amplification is close to 100% via standard curve method. I am calculating gene expression via ddct.

My question is a simple one... Obviously a triplicate for pipetting error would be much smaller but would one expect to see this amount of Ct variation within an experimental triplicate?

Furthermore, would it also be expected within the housekeeping gene?

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