In my own opinion, the article title should be short and not too long, must be attractive with relevant keywords in the main article. With what was taught in research methodology, it should not be more than 18-word count.
Should an article tittle be short or long in nature ? Like how many word will you recommend as a researcher?
Not too long that is difficult for readers to recall nor not too short that is not meaningful enough. You can try around 10-15 words. Also suggesting you to coin your finalized article title when you'd completed the entire article write up. Because by then you can best summarize / describe the article into meaningful & purposeful title.
I thinke the title should be short because the reader is attracted to the shorter title because it does not take time to read it and have a clear concept and words.
I prefer try around 10 words for the title.
"When writing a research paper title, authors should realize that despite being repeatedly warned against it, most people do indeed fall prey to “judging a book by its cover.” This cognitive bias tends to make readers considerably susceptible to allowing the research paper title to function as the sole factor influencing their decision of whether to read or skip a particular paper. Although seeking the professional assistance of a research paper writing service could help the cause, the author of the paper stands as the best judge for setting the right tone of his/her research paper"
A great title has a length of 15 words or fewer which summarize the main idea of the paper. A study has been conducted on 22 impact factor journals regarding the length of the article title, the study demonstrated that articles with longer titles were more likely to receive citations. For all 22 studied journals in the study, shorter titles did not receive significantly more citations than longer titles.