with metagenome samples, with reads usually spanning from 3k to 5k after whole genome sequencing (Oxford nanopore), should I also perform the assembly step (flye) before the alignement (Kaiju or Kraken2)?
Doesn't matter. Kraken can be and usually used on unassembled data and it taxonomically profile the sample based on Kmers. I would say these are diverging steps from the QC and cleaned data and are independent to each other.
I have run the alignment with and without assembly, for the same sample, and compared the results.
For the assembled sample, after the alignment, I got less taxa hits compared to the not-assembled one.
I think that if you run an alignment after assembly, it will exclude many taxa because only the best represented ones can successfully go trough the process.
Valentina Vanghi that´s the same type of results I usually obtain from my metagenomic samples. After assembly, you are only considering the ones for which you can "isolate" the complete genome, and that are represented in higher degree. Before assembly, you are considering all the reads present in the sample, some of them correspoding to less-represented organisms (very low coverage), or organisms from which only a small region of the genome was sequenced.