There are many scales used in nursing research to measure various aspects of nursing, such as attitudes, values, perceptions, behaviors, outcomes, etc. Some examples of scales used in nursing research are:
The BARRIERS scale -- the barriers to research utilization scale: This scale is used to identify the barriers that nurses face in using research evidence in their practice. It has four subscales: characteristics of the nurse, characteristics of the setting, characteristics of the research, and presentation of the research.
The Clarity of Professional Identity scale. This scale is used to measure how clear nurses are about their professional identity and role. It has three subscales: clarity of professional identity, clarity of professional role, and clarity of professional values.
The Nurse’ Professional Values Scale for Nursing Students. This scale is used to measure the professional values of nursing students based on the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics. It has five subscales: caring, activism, professionalism, trust, and justice.
The Professional Identity Five Factor Scale. This scale is used to measure the professional identity of nurses based on five factors: calling, role orientation, job satisfaction, professional commitment, and values congruence.
The Professional Identity Questionnaire. This scale is used to measure the professional identity of nurses based on four dimensions: personal identification with nursing, identification with nursing as a profession, identification with nursing as a career, and identification with nursing as a vocation.
The Professional Self Identity Questionnaire. This scale is used to measure the professional self-identity of nurses based on three components: self-concept clarity, self-esteem, and self-efficacy.
The Readiness for Inter-professional Learning Scale. This scale is used to measure the readiness of nurses and other health professionals to learn with and from each other. It has four subscales: teamwork and collaboration, negative professional identity, positive professional identity, and roles and responsibilities.
The Values Survey. This scale is used to measure the personal values of nurses based on six categories: altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, social justice, and truth.
Reuschenbach, B.; Mahler, C. (2011) Pflegebezogene Assessmentinstrumente. Internationales Handbuch für Pflegeforschung und -praxis. Bern: Huber
Schädler, S., Kool, J., Lüthi, H., Marks, D., Oesch, P., Pfeffer, A. & Wirz, M. (2020) Assessments in der Rehabilitation. Band 1: Neurologie. 4. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflagen. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.