28 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ashish Pundhir
How would you interpret the following sentence - " Global median rate of community residential facilities is 0.008 per 100000 population, there is presently a median of zero facililities per...
27 March 2024 8,905 5 View
I am interested in Community Mental Health - the following are my interest in community mental health- 1. Substance Use Disorders 2. mhGAP 3. Mental Health in older people 4. Stigma 5. Common...
06 March 2024 2,978 0 View
May anyone please share material on use of implementation strategy in public health? How do we assess the feasibility and scalability of proposed intervention? Kindly please share viewpoints and...
01 June 2023 9,468 4 View
I am planning to evaluate the effectiveness of increasing mental health literacy in terms of identifying substance use disorders among frontline workers using WHO mhGAP. Hence , have the following...
12 March 2023 813 0 View
Is there free software to calculate a sample size for more than two arm RCT? May anyone provide an article commenting on the calculation of sample size for more than two arm of RCT Thank you
23 January 2023 1,971 7 View
Q1. Please can anyone share material on Logical framework analysis ? Q2, How does Logical Framework analysis and Theory of Change differ from each other ? Q3. What is the utility of Logical...
15 April 2021 5,141 0 View
Currently , I am an Assistant Professor at an Academic Institute in Jaipur , India. In future , I would like to work in and with international institute where there is Department of Global Mental...
14 January 2020 1,669 2 View
I am planning to do a study among medical students to document stigma towards mental illness in India - If anyone can provide me scale it would be really useful. It would be further useful if...
24 December 2019 9,720 10 View
We are planning to conduct a study in a rural Indian setup , with the objective to 1. To evaluate the efficacy of health education among diabetic and hypertensive patient 2. To assess the...
06 June 2018 6,021 5 View
1. Details of organization in different countries issuing safety regulation and protection against pneumoconiosis in workers and their exact role Can any one provide link or pdf ?
18 February 2018 3,564 3 View
As per literature, there are 4 types of logistic regression 1. Wald 2.Forward stepwise 3. Backward stepwise What is the need of Goodness of fit model for computing logistic regression? We had...
12 October 2016 6,075 3 View
Q1. Suppose of an outcome variable anal sex and independant variable access to pornography - i find the proportion of anal sex is higher in those having access to pornography as compared to not...
26 December 2015 9,831 2 View
I have to present a seminar on Types of Validity - In that perspective 1. How do you pretest and pre-design a questionnaire? Is it same as Pilot study? 2. In context to medical parlance - how...
12 October 2015 3,266 12 View
The thesis topic is on sexual behaviour among truck drivers where questions were asked to assess whether they were practicing safe or unsafe sex. Further no time period was specified in the...
23 September 2015 6,329 5 View
The sample size for the main study was 100 ( i did not use any sample size formula as the sampling procedure is convenience sampling) and for the pilot study the sample size was nearly 50. Now if...
14 August 2015 1,324 13 View
ON conversing with many researchers , most of the researchers clearly mention that not even chi-square test can be used If it is so , any anyone please attach a pdf or article stating that...
11 August 2015 7,394 9 View
What is the difference between cross reference and secondary citation Please illustrate with examples?
27 June 2015 6,806 14 View
I am doing a thesis on SExual behaviour among truck drivers in India planning to conduct a focus group discussion, in this regard if not truck drivers can any one advise me or attaach some pdf...
05 June 2015 7,194 4 View
In medical parlance how will we differentiate between sample size and effect size?
19 March 2015 5,677 4 View
I had submitted a manuscript based on a Psychosexual disorder "Dhat syndrome" in a journal. In that study I did in depth interview in some open ended questionnaire and it was cross-sectional in...
03 March 2015 1,744 3 View
When we mention that Study duration was 4 months does that mean it was time taken to complete data collection or it takes account the time since inception of the protocol or design of study to...
18 February 2015 1,644 8 View
What does the power of study in medical science implies? Is power of study affected by type of study design? If so which study has the maximum power and which has the minimum? Please explain with...
14 January 2015 8,260 6 View
What is the difference between Recall bias and Limitation in recall? Please could you illustrate with examples as that will help in understanding better?
14 January 2015 5,187 3 View
Our team consists of three researchers, we will be designing a questionnaire having both open ended as well as close ended questions. After that, we will be emailing the questionnaire to our...
04 January 2015 9,289 10 View
Likert scale is an ordinal scale , therefore kruskall-wallis should be ideally used but why do researchers use ANOVA ? Is there any condition either when to apply ANOVA or Kruskal-wallis on...
01 January 1970 7,084 5 View
We are planning to execute a narrative review on lifestyle intervention and different subset of NCDs etc.. In this perspective looking for good and high quality database other than Pubmed , WHO...
01 January 1970 8,217 4 View
Can anyone please provide a list of scales used in Nursing Research ?
01 January 1970 2,894 3 View
It would be helpful if anyone can share studies (either their or someone else), where they reported Length biased sampling as their limitation. In what type of epidemiological study design can...
01 January 1970 3,427 0 View