A pre-medical university student is trying to get into professional medical school?

Who is their best competitor?

a) Another pre-medical student

b) An engineering student

c) A arts student

d) A music student

e) A high school student

f) A chimpanzee

What is closest to you but not the same as you is likely to be your most able competitor.

Bacteria are almost perfect Darwinists

When you combine these two above statement the logical conclusion is that subgroups within a bacterial species are their own worst competitors/combatants both on and off the host.

Restriction endonuclase and DNA modification systems are weapons in this battle, both for theft and to prevent theft of genetic material and to prevent anticompetitve effects based on DNA.

Looking cds based genome alignments of different sero groups of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae it is evident that the sero groups are indeed geneticly distinct but highly related AND they all have BOTH similar but distinct DNA restriction systems and unique restriction systems.


If it is all one big happy family why would this be so?

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