I have done a TOPO cloning of a 450 bp fragment (amplified with Pfu Pol using forward primer designed with 5'CACC(ATG) and reverse primers having no 5' CACC) into pET101/D-TOPO vector in 1:1 and 1:2 insert:vector molar ratios as suggested by Invitogen.Upon transformation to TOP10 E. coli cells and plating on LB-Amp (50 ug/ml) plates, I see an efficiency of approx 3.5 x10 7 cfu/ml/ug DNA.I normally do a pre- screen using colony PCR with the PCR primers and those positive ones are later screened for orientation by plasmid isolation and RD. To my surprise I was getting less than 20% positive clones by colony PCR.But later I isolated plasmid from all of them and performed PCR to find that all of these answer PCR to a weaker extend compared to the colony PCR positive ones. Further I went on for digestion with XbaI (vector) and BamHI (insert).The expected results were a 150 bp release for the correct orientation and 350 bp for reverse orientation. But none of these PCR positive plasmids release any inserts. My positive control for digestion was a recombinant pET101D TOPO with an insert having BamHI site. It worked perfectly well with the digestion of positive control. What would one infer from this scenario? What might have happened during the ligation?

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