I am PCR amplifying a 2.8kb insert with the KasI and SacI restrictions sites added, w/ 6bp protector group on each side. I gel purify and then digest this insert as well as my vector by double restricting at 3 hours and 37C (these are NEB time-saver and 3 hours should be sufficient). I then gel purify and ligate the restricted products at 4C O/N. I transform ~5ul into 50uL, or ~10uL into 100uL competent cells using heat shock at exactly 42C. After plating, all my controls are successful (T4 ligase works on single restricted, double restricted vector without insert yields only 1 colony, my competent cells are competent and the transformation of my uncut vector yields 100s of colonies) and the only thing unsuccessful is my cloning plate. I run my ligation mixture and see my ligated product, but I also see a fair amount of insert and vector.

At this point, I've been experimenting for a while and want to give up. But what I conclude from my results is that my insert is not ligating, meaning it is possibly not fully double restricted.

How can I verify I have double restriction of my insert? What else could I be failing to pay attention to? I have been able to verify double restriction of my vector.

Is there something specific to keep close attention to when cloning relatively larger inserts to larger vectors?

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