29 November 2023 2 9K Report

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on my thesis and due to the normality assumption being violated, I am performing bootstrapping for my two simple linear regressions and my multiple linear regression.

However I do have difficulties reporting my findings (APA 7 style but also what to report in general). I am using SPSS and the model summary table containing r squared (among others) is not bootstrapped, so can I report this in my thesis or leave it out?

Additionally, the bootstrapped coefficients table contains the confidence interval and a p-value but no degrees of freedom or t-value. What can I report here? So far, I only reported the BcA confidence intervals but I am sure there are other values I can discuss?

Does somebody know what can be reported in a bootstrapped linear regression or maybe knows of a paper that uses this method for inspiration?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!!

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