08 August 2018 2 10K Report

Hi folks!

I've been struggling a bit with understanding cell cycle assays, i.e. EdU assays. We do them in our lab with the click-it kit from thermo, using EdU and FxCycle (stains total dsDNA) but there's a basic feature of those assays I don't understand.

EdU as I understand it, is incorporated into newly synthesized DNA and therefore the brightness of the fluorophore used to mark EdU is proportional to the amount of newly synthesized DNA during the pulse.

FxCycle should label all dsDNA so an increase in EdU should always be accompanied with an increase in FxCycle but that's not the case! In what I assume should be early S phase, the cells first increase in EdU and only when they've reached almost maximum MFI in the 'EdU channel' they start increasing in FxCycle. That's something we can see in our own plots as well as in resources available on the net and papers (e.g. https://www.bdbiosciences.com/documents/BD_FACSVerse_CellCycleAnalysis_AppNote.pdf)

Can someone help me understand this? How/why would a cell massively synthesized DNA without (apparently) increasing the amount of total dsDNA? What would it mean if the cells get stuck at this stage (very brigth EdU but still FxCycle dim)? Is there a technical aspect of the FxCycle labelling that I'm maybe missing?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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