Hi All,

I am trying to work out EBV titer using the Reed and Muench calculator so that the mice can be injected with 1000 TD50. To titrate, I infected PBMCs from cord blood with 6 dilutions of the virus (dilution factor:10). After 6 weeks, I saw that 2 out of the total 4 wells were negative for LCL foci in the last dilution (i.e.10^-5) while the rest were all positive. When I feed this numbers in the Reed and Muench calculator from here: https://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007%2F978-1-59745-394-3_24, it yields a value of 1.00E-04 for TCID50/ml while TCID is 1.00E+05. Could someone explain to me what is going on here and how to work out how much virus to inject to be able to get 1000 TD50 per mouse?

Any help is much appreciated, happy to talk via email as well.


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