
I am facing a problem related to protein aggregation.

I am currently trying to solubilize and refold a his-tagged kinase from inclusion bodies. There are no precipitates in the refolded protein solution until the Ni-NTA beads are added. I checked that my target protein exists as a sufficient amount in the refolded protein solution by immunoblotting and Bradford assay, and also I clarify the refolded protein solution by centrifugation before adding beads.

However, the problem is, when I add Ni-NTA beads to the solution, proteins are precipitated out into visible particles. In a subsequent elution step, I cannot detect any protein by Bradford assay.

Incubation condition is the following; 4 Celcius, 12rpm continuous rotor. Refolding buffer contains 2 mM MgCl2, 100 mM KCl, 50 mM Tris, 20% Glycerol, and 10 mM beta-mercaptoethanol, pH was adjusted to 8.0. My target protein has several cysteine residues, and the predicted isoelectric point is about 5.6.

I will appreciate any advice, thank you. Taking care.

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