Greetings Dear colleagues, I hope you are very well. Someone could guide me about an example or process of quantitative triangulation with the SPSS _ .. Thank you very much ...
Greetings dear fellow. The data was collected with the use of quantitative techniques: survey, observation and analysis of documents. I would like to know about the way in which these three quantitative techniques could be triangulated
Ok .. Apply quantitative techniques and with these try to triangulate them, that is fundamentally the question how to triangulate these three quantitative techniques?
The term "Triangulation" has been abused quite a lot. To my knowledge, triangulation was used for the use of multiple methods of data collection, data analysis, and process in qualitative research to increase its rigor. The precise terms are researcher triangulation, time triangulation, methods triangulation. More recently, the term was used for mixed methods research. However, I think its use in mixed methods has been questioned and currently many researchers have abandoned its use in mixed methods. Although, triangulation literally meant combining different methods to enhance the credibility and validity of the study by overcoming the limitations of different methods used, I am not sure, if this term can be used in quantitative research.
Please read the following editorial and commentary. David L Morgan is on researchgate and he can offer very valuable insights into this issue.
Fetters, M. D., & Molina-Azorin, J. F. (2017). The Journal of Mixed Methods Research starts a new decade: Principles for bringing in the new and divesting of the old language of the field.
Morgan, D. L. (2019). Commentary—After Triangulation, What Next?.
The way I understand your research, you used three methods for quantitative data collection. You can analyze them separately; descriptive analysis for your survey, content analysis for observations and documents and then compare the results to gain a comprehensive understanding.
I think observation is a qualitative technique, and documental analysis can be quanti or quali. In any case, you can look for the trisngulation. Just make all the analysis process and compare the all results, look for coincidences, differences...the aim is supposed to be to find similar results and all 3 analysis.
Perfect dear colleagues, grateful for your contributions. To clarify that the data collected is for the diagnosis and the three techniques are quantitative ... I am still exploring to get a statistical technique to analyze the three techniques together ... I have already analyzed them separately ...
Ok, now I understand your point and why they 3 are quantitative. I dont know a technique to do that with SPSS (maybe other expert can help you). Good luck in your search!
Estimado José Rafael Padilla Alvarado, la triangulación es un procedimiento que consiste en comparar o contrastar resultados, datos, método, teorías, etc. El SPSS no triangula sino que se utiliza para procesar y analizar los datos. Ahora una posible forma de triangulación con SPSS sería correlacionar tres fuentes de datos ya procesados, por ejemplo, correlacionar el promedio de IMC en un grupo con el gasto calórico promedio y con el consumo de calorías por medio de la alimentación. Pero más que una triangulación de datos o variables se trata de un cruce de variables. La esencia de la triangulación es contrastar datos, opiniones, puntos de vista o métodos opuestos.
Saludos estimado Profesor, espero se encuentre muy bien. Perfecto, os entiendo perfectamente. Me refiero a lo siguiente; en un diagnóstico se aplicó lo siguiente:
1. Una encuesta a unos entrenadores en escala tipo likert.
2. A los mismos entrenadores se les reviso los planes de entrenamiento.
3. Y se les observó aplicando sus entrenamientos.
A los mismos entrenadores se les recopiló datos con las tres técnicas anteriores y con los mismos indicadores, ajustados a las características de estas técnicas. En tal sentido, se quisiera triangular estos datos para tener una mayor objetividad del diagnóstico.
Ok perfecto, tienes tres fuentes. Habría que ver el instrumento de revisión de los planes y en cuál escala está hecho. Asimismo en la observación para verificar si lo están aplicando en los entrenamientos. Busca el origen del procedimiento de triangulación y podrás constatar que lo que pretendes hacer es un tipo de triangulación, claro que lo es! Pero actualmente en el medio académico se le asocia más con el contraste de métodos y técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas. Escríbeme al correo para enviarte algo sobre triangulación