For determination of ROS in mitochondrial fraction using DCFDA, How to quantify the concentration of isolated mitochondrial fraction? using nanospectrometer or some other technique ?
If i perform BCA then it will give protein concentration in mitochondria....
But in that protein fraction, i don't think ROS production would b getting accessed.
So, if i hv isolated mitochondrial fraction, then how can i quantify its concentration?
As for DCFDA, i need some specific concentration of mitochondrial fraction (per se: 1mg/ml), so how to determine that concentration?
as in protocol they hv not mentioned anywhere that i need to hv mitochondrial protein fraction (1mg/ml)...they just said: mitochondrial fraction...
so without BCA how can i quantify my isolated mitochondrial fraction easily and quickly so that i can proceed my mitochondrial fraction for further experiments like ROS or membrane potential etc...
kindly confirm