
I over-expressed plasmids in the cell culture and collected RNA then reverse transcribed to cDNA with RT negative controls. Then I performed qPCR with SYBR green system. I observe amplification in my NTC and also RT negative control. CT values around 32.

Primers are designed for the cds region of my plasmid. I used new vial of rnase/dnase free water and loaded NTC and RT first in the 96 well plate. The master mix also prepared with new set of primers (300nm) and water. Master mix were added first to the NTC and RT samples. I tried with two sets of primer (coding cds region of protein) and I get the same amplification in NTC. The NTC contains only Master mix and water nothing else. The melting curve is one peak exactly same as the normal sample. I observe all these CT values only in my gene of interest, in the reference gene NTC and RT negative and without any values and no amplification which is good.

How come I see amplification only in gene of interest. The only difference between the gene of interest and reference is the primer.

Can any one think of a solution for this.

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