I am on experiment with proteasome inhibitor ( MG132 ) on A549 lung cancer cells. I treated 10uM of MG132 for 4, 24, 36 and 48hrs.
However, it seems not to work. cells were less dead even 48hrs on 10uM of MG132.
I confirmed p53 by western blot as a hallmarker of MG132.
p53 protein was not accumulated in sample of MG132.
I increased dosage of MG132 up to 100uM for 24hrs. It killed few cells but it has no difference between 10uM and 100uM.
Just, few cells died compared to control.
The chemical was stored in -80C for 6months.
so, I guess the chemical does not work.
Do you have any suggestion for me or which protein can I use a marker of MG132?