
I have been trying to optimize a viability PCR using propidium monoazide (PMA) chemical. The idea is heat killing bacterial samples treating them with PMA and comparing the qRT-PCR results to non heat killed bacterial samples. PMA is supposed to bind to DNA and would inhibit the PCR of the bacteria. Also it is expected that PMA is non-membrane permeable, thus it will bind only to dead and/or membrane disturbed cells.

In reality one would expect less bacterial detection (if any) when the samples were killed compared to non-killed one. However I have been getting exactly the opposite results for almost a month now. I changed the PMA stock, tested different concentration, also tested on different life bacteria concentrations, time of PMA exposure, human error (made a more experienced colleague to perform the experiment) and I have been getting the same results.

Does anyone had problems in working with vPCR before? And if you have suggestions on why I am getting those results and what else I can do to find out where things are getting wrong, if will be very helpful.

Thank you.

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