I am currently testing various methanogenic mediums for growth of methanogenic archaea, but the MM medium keeps failing to create a blackish sediment of Na2S in the solution after the preparations. Instead it creates milk-like haze in the solution with white precipitation on the base.
I am preparing medium in the flask under anoxic condition of CO2/H2 (g) atmosphere with the N2 (g) atmosphere of the other solution.
I have checked the temperature of the solution prior to adition of Na2S if it was cool enough, I have tackled the pH with 0,1 M NaOH solution, or I left it unchanged and I´ve regulated it after completing it.
I´ve been working on the MM medium for some time and I´ve never been adjusting pH or watched the temperature of the solution. I also made a new solution of Na2S and managed to get a new, pure substance, but nothing has changed.
Dis somebody have this issue with MM medium preparation? If yes, please, help me with this step, thus I can continue in use of this medium for cultivation.