11 November 2016 4 7K Report

hi im a noobie when it comes to lab work but recently i made a careless mistake and i dont think i can afford to throw it all away and make a new set of buffer due to lack of starting ingredients.

firstly, i was supposed to prepare the 10x nitrocellulose transfer buffer for western blot in the following recipe,

 10X Nitrocellulose transfer buffer:

·        Tris base 30.3 g

·        Glycine 144g

·        miliQ 1L

However, i only added 800ml of miliQ unknowingly forgotten to top it up to 1L of miliQ after dissolving. 

I then proceeded to prepare the 1X nitrocelluose transfer buffer in the following recipe,

     1X Nitrocellulose transfer buffer:

·       200 ml '10X' nitrocellulose transfer buffer (not really 10X nitrocellulose transfer buffer, probably more)

·        200 ml methanol

·        1.6L miliQ

would my 1X nitrocellulose transfer buffer work?

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