Ideally, this can generate some level of immune responses because a convalaaxing patient of Covid19 who is not immunosuppressed should have his or her immune system setting up a panel of natural attempts to ward off the alien viral micro molecules via it's cell mediated and/or antibody mediated immune responses. However, some groups are currently forming on this concept.
The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene opened up a discussion on this through a seminar in the UK early in the heat of Covid19 crisis. A group at Oxford University had a related seminar on it. So, you may search for Covid19 conatruct vaccine attempts at RSTMH and Oxford Seminars on google to get more insight from experts in the thick and heat of this research in the lab and on the field
Some of these chats where highlighted on their Facebook accounts. Nice question. Cheers
FDA has issued Emergency Use Authorization for Convalescent Plasma as Potential Promising COVID–19 Treatment. This was done in absence of any RCT results . It was approved by Indian government.
PLACID (PLAsma Convalescent InDia) trial conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), one of the first RCT for plasma in COVID-19 patients. including 464 hospitalized, moderately ill COVID-19 patients was finished recently. it was found that the use of convalescent plasma in COVID-19 patients did not forestall progression to severe disease or mortality.
ERRATUM: Correction of typographical error in a spelt word in my earlier answer to this question on Covid19 vaccine and treatment of Covid19. My answer is represented below:
Ideally, this can generate some level of immune responses because a convalescing patient of Covid19 who is not immunosuppressed should have his or her immune system setting up a panel of natural attempts to ward off the alien viral micro molecules via it's cell mediated and/or antibody mediated immune responses. However, some groups are currently forming on this concept.
The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene opened up a discussion on this through a seminar in the UK early in the heat of Covid19 crisis. A group at Oxford University had a related seminar on it. So, you may search for Covid19 conatruct vaccine attempts at RSTMH and Oxford Seminars on google to get more insight from experts in the thick and heat of this research in the lab and on the field
Some of these chats where highlighted on their Facebook accounts. Nice question. Cheers
At the moment it is used because their is no vaccines
But the fact this way even if it helps to generate some level of immune response and lots of patients get full recovery but it is not clear whats gone happen to them in the future.
This is not from my self report, it is from many Doctors how reported their worries
I would like myself to work on it in the near future to investigate whether if it is a effective way or not for long term, and i will be happy to collaborate with others
From the self- perspective, it helped some people to progress to more severe stadiums of the illness. Still, I think as for all therapies suggested in Covid-19, that the phase of the disease is of the main issue.
It looks that scientific data are not on the side of treatment with reconvalescent plasma. The only choice that is left is using early in the course of the disease. Maybe before the 8th day.