I want to work with the 5-HT2A neuronal cell line with the agonist and a crude extract from animal origin. My intention is to observe whether both upregulate or downregulate the receptor. My assumption is that both should upregulate the receptor cell line. The agonist is hallucinogenic but I will use a nonhalucinogenic to fair hallucinogenic dose and the crude extract also has some mind altering activity. The signalling pathway of the agonist is mainly Gq/11 PLC-IP3 and also mild PLA2-AA .

So what are the factors here to select the positive control and negative control?

Should I use DOI (as it activates both Gq/11 PLC-IP3 and PLA2-AA pathway) as the positive control here?

If I use a selective antagonist of 5-HT2A receptor activating Gq/11 PLC-IP3 or both Gq/11 PLC-IP3 and PLA2-AA pathway then will it be a negative control?

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