I confess, I'm a bit confused :-) I need to learn better! Thanks!
By "perovskite", do you mean "Perovskite is a calcium titanium oxide mineral composed of calcium titanate, with the chemical formula CaTiO3" (according to Google)? Or, just the structure?
I've looked (using XRD) at LaO/LaNdNiO and STO/STCO combinations at MIT which I believe are also called perovskites or related. Please clarify! Please review material in the linked RG discussion below for more details about XRD of such structures.
I'd also suggest you include up to max 15 related topics such as XRD, Powder Diff., X-ray, etc. Look for them and you'll find. This will further enhance participation.
I'll be in MIT Boston again next week. They have access to a huge data base. I'll find it there for you, I'm sure. Please provide as much information as possible about your subject material in order to find the correct IUCr http://www.iucr.org/ (not JCPDS any longer :-) data.
Dear Vishal Sharma, Zhao-Kui Wang, Abdul Moyez, Rishibrind Upadhyay and 8 Aga Ridhova
Dear all I'm also working on the same topic. If you got the JCPDS data/card for CH3NH3PbI3, and CH3NH3PbI3–xClx? Could you also share it with me, please ? [email protected]