Hi all,
I'm running a RAxML for a dataset of 4 genes = 3847 bps. I'm trying to partitioning my data into 4 blocks. But it's not working. What would I be doing wrong? That's the message:
"Partition file parsing error!
Each line must contain a "=" character
Offending line: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1348\cocoasubrtf170"
and thats my partitioning file:
DNA, SSU = 1-110
DNA, LSU = 1106-2027
DNA, RPB1 = 2028-2836
DNA, tef = 2837-3847
I suspect that there is something related to the gene name. Is that possible that the gene name is not matching with the alignment file? or it actually doesn't matter?