07 November 2013 14 765 Report

I need help with overlapping PCR, I have 4 primers A, B, C and D where B and C have complementary bases.

1. first PCR run with Phusion Polymerase from Thermo F-530S to generate PCR product AB and CD.

2. in the second PCR AB and CD used as templates , Phusion Polymerase from Thermo used

I run 7 cycles ( 98C for 30s, 98 for 10 sec,40 for 30 sec and 72 for 20 sec) then i add primers A and D and run for 30 cycles ( 98 for 10 sec, 55 for 20 sec, 72 for 30 sec, 72 for 5 min and hold on 4C). No result or too weak band on 1% gel that I can´t use further. Can anybody help?

(The annealing temperature of my primers calculated at NEB with primer concentration 0,5uM is 63C)

When I run this reaction with Phusion Polymerase from Finnzymes lot: 1136 it works, but I don´t have this polymerase longer and it is not available commercially any more only Thermo/Neb.

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