Background: I performed a DAS ELISA reaction at 405nm of 129 bacterial isolates (in addition to using controls) to identify the presence of my target bacterial strain. For my positive control, I received an OD value of 0.826, while my negative control received a value of 0.136. I obtained both of these controls from the ELISA kit, where the kit determined analytical data of control OD's to be:
>3.0 for positive control, 3.0. Could this be due to shortened incubation time? The protocol recommends 1-2hours of substrate incubation before beginning ELISA reading, however I incubated the plates for one hour and began the plate reading then. After incubation, I took readings every 5 minutes for a total of 40 minutes.
I would be thankful for any help! I hope the information I provided will be enough.