The required rate of N uptake is initially small and increases during crop growth. This pattern applies to all crops and matching it with available soil N minimises waste.
Nitrogen use effieciency may be increased with use of slow released neem coated and sulfur coated urea .
Urea fertilizer may be applied with nutrient enriched vermicompost 50% as organic fertilizer and 50 % neem coated urea may be more helpfull for optimum yield of crop with sustainable soil health management.
Perhaps , grain filling stage is most crucial with respect to nitrogen use ,in addition to tillering stage , depending upon other agro-pedologcial fcators. It would be better , if talk in terms of agronomic efficiency, physiological efficiency , apparent recovery , utilization efficiency , upatek efficiency that, so many terms , depending upon their field of specialization , researchers use
I appreciate all the strategies provided for sustainable urea application. I also recommend the article below that investigated Pastures receiving urea
, Mo+urea+nBTPT or Mo+urea+nBTPT+S. This research showed improvement in N uptake and N recovery, compared to urea alone.