I am performing in vitro anti-inflammatory assay: inhibiton of albumin denaturation by organic extract and purified fractions from natural material. Since my samples are colored (red, orange, yellow), I keep getting negative vaules, thus indicating pro-inflammatory rather than anti-inflammatory effect of extract/fractions. Concentration range of samples is 1 mg/ml to 62 ug/ml and the turbidity (absorbance at 660 nm) is higher with the increase of concentration. The results are the same even when I subtract the absorbance of blank (pure extract/fractions which almost do not absorb at wavelength mentioned above).
I am calculating the inhibition according to formula:
% Denaturation inhibition = (1−D/C)×100%
Where D is the absorbance reading of the test sample, and C is the absorbance reading without test sample (negative control).
I am measurng turbidity in 96-well plate; the solvent is methanol.
I was wondering if I am doing something wrong with my experiment setup or do you have any ideas how to avoid this problem?
According to the literature, there should be compounds in my extract/fractions that have already showed anti-inflammtory effects.