I used several solvents and measured the absorbency and determined the total phenolic content, but the results were similar after dropping them on the titration curve; What is the reason, please help
You have probably used the Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) method, which does not measure the total phenolic content. Instead, it measures the total amount of easily oxidized compounds in solution. Read what is the chemistry behind of this assay
Mr. YuriiThank you... But this problem has been solved, but can I ask you if the absorbency values to determine the phenolic content appeared and were similar to 1.4 and 1.2?
Are you asking whether the absorbancy values in the range 1.2-1.4 are good for measurements? Do I understand correctly your question? I recommend the range of absorbency from 0.4 to 1.4
Yes, I measured the absorbency to estimate the total phenols. The number of samples was 15 different and the absorption results ranged from 1 to 1.45. I thought the values were wrong... Or something is wrong. But I didn't know where.... Could these values be logical... Thus, the phenol content is very high.
Can you help me with that.... I dried the vegetable extract, for example, 20 g was prepared in 200 ml and I got a dry extract weight of 3.2 g. To determine total phenols. I dissolved 1mg in 10 ml of methanol. I took 0.3 ml of the extract with 1.5 reagents and 1.2 ml of sodium carbonate according to the standard method. It was measured at a wavelength of 765 nm. The equation of the calibration curve for gallic acid y = 0.0076 X. The results were shown from 1 to 1.42. I appeared to have very large mg/g values compared to Can you help me with that.... I dried the vegetable extract, for example, 20 g was prepared in 200 ml and I got a dry extract weight of 3.2 g. To determine total phenols. I dissolved 1mg in 10 ml of methanol. I took 0.3 ml of the extract with 1.5 reagents and 1.2 ml of sodium carbonate according to the standard method. It was measured at a wavelength of 765 nm. The equation of the calibration curve for gallic acid y = 0.0076 X. The results were shown from 1 to 1.42. I appeared to have very large mg/g values compared to dCan you help me with that.... I dried the vegetable extract, for example, 20 g was prepared in 200 ml and I got a dry extract weight of 3.2 g. To determine total phenols. I dissolved 1mg in 10 ml of methanol. I took 0.3 ml of the extract with 1.5 reagents and 1.2 ml of sodium carbonate according to the standard method. It was measured at a wavelength of 765 nm. The equation of the calibration curve for gallic acid y = 0.0076 X. The results were shown from 1 to 1.42. I showed very large mg/g values compared to the studentsCan you help me with that.... I dried the vegetable extract, for example, 20 g was prepared in 200 ml and I got a dry extract weight of 3.2 g. To determine total phenols. I dissolved 1mg in 10 ml of methanol. I took 0.3 ml of the extract with 1.5 reagents and 1.2 ml of sodium carbonate according to the standard method. It was measured at a wavelength of 765 nm. The equation of the calibration curve for gallic acid y = 0.0076 X. The results were shown from 1 to 1.42. I appeared to have very large mg/g values compared to studies Can you help me with that.... I dried the vegetable extract, for example, 20 g was prepared in 200 ml and I got a dry extract weight of 3.2 g. To determine total phenols. I dissolved 1mg in 10 ml of methanol. I took 0.3 ml of the extract with 1.5 reagents and 1.2 ml of sodium carbonate according to the standard method. It was measured at a wavelength of 765 nm. The equation of the calibration curve for gallic acid y = 0.0076 X. The results were shown from 1 to 1.42. I appeared to have very large mg/g values compared to studiesCan you help me with that.... I dried the vegetable extract, for example, 20 g was prepared in 200 ml and I got a dry extract weight of 3.2 g. To determine total phenols. I dissolved 1mg in 10 ml of methanol. I took 0.3 ml of the extract with 1.5 reagents and 1.2 ml of sodium carbonate according to the standard method. It was measured at a wavelength of 765 nm. The equation of the calibration curve for gallic acid y = 0.0076 X. The results were shown from 1 to 1.42. I showed very large mg/g values compared to studies.