When model fits are ranked according to their AIC values, the model with the lowest AIC value being considered the ‘best’. Models in which the difference in AIC relative to AICmin is < 2 can be considered also to have substantial support (Burnham, 2002; Burnham and Anderson, 1998).
To my knowledge it is common to seek the most parsimonious model by selecting the model with fewest predictor variables among the AIC ranked models. Hence, a variable qualifies to be included only if the model is improved by more than 2.0 (AIC relative to AICmin is > 2).
What do others prefer to do?
1. Present all models in which the difference in AIC relative to AICmin is < 2 (parameter estimates or graphically).
2. Only present the model with lowest AIC value.
3. Take into account the number of predictor variables and select the one with fewest predictor variables among the AIC ranked models.
4. Take into account the number of predictor variables and select the one with fewest predictor variables among the AIC ranked models using the following criteria that a variable qualifies to be included only if the model is improved by more than 2.0 (AIC relative to AICmin is > 2).
5. Looking at p-values of the predictors in the ranked models in addition to the AIC value (e.g. sometimes the predictors are non-significant in the top ranked model, while the predictors in a lower ranked model could be significant).