Hi all.. I have been quite confused with statistical tests.. I think my doubt is very preliminary but I am not sure.. I have two populations (treated and un-treated) each with n=3. I would like to know if t-test can be used for a small population? I have read in some websites that t-test was introduced for small sample size but some say you would need at least 20. I understand that for low sample size, the population would assumed to be normally distributed but would it be correct to convert them into log and then perform the t-test??

Or would Mann Whitney be a better test for low sample size??? The problem I feel with U test is that it is based on ranks and doesn't consider standard deviation (based on what I understood). Also, I compare treated and non-treated samples and that treated samples will have higher values in most cases and so U and U critical would be 0 (since n1=3 and n2=3 and p=0.05*2 as I use one-tailed, Ucric = 0).

I hope I have explained my question clearly. Please provide your suggestions. Thank you!!

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