15 Questions 254 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kamoru A. Adedokun
Is glycerol enough as a mounting medium without mixing with PBS for immunofluorescent techniques for frozen sections, and what is the difference from using glycerine in replacement?
15 October 2019 2,827 9 View
I like to know the possible markers of metabolism in cancer cells such as in monitoring glycolytic, extracellular acidification and oxygen consumption rates, effected by treatment with an extract.
26 September 2019 783 3 View
How do you advise a group of authors whose papers already accepted but only listed for several months under ahead-of-print without publication as necessary?
24 May 2019 3,591 5 View
17 February 2018 9,755 3 View
Which one under- or overestimates significance in the test of association?. Often times, I come across both choices in the selection of SD and SEM as a measure of spread, however, little is...
10 February 2018 5,052 1 View
Currently, COVID-19 has caused the most turbulent times in the history of global epidemics and is virtually forcing many people to an uneasy "sit-at-home" in many parts of the world. Will the...
01 January 1970 6,333 40 View
Definitely, we should not fold our arms in the wake of the fast evolving knowledge on SARS-CoV-2 mutation. Currently, a new British strain, B.1.1.7, sets off a scary alarm intensifying the threat...
01 January 1970 2,531 14 View
Global spotlight is on 2020 Nobel prizes which is slated to commence today, Monday October 5, 2020. Many researchers have been mentioned and nominated in various capacities for their discoveries...
01 January 1970 8,247 3 View
I have come across a submission changing from "under review" to "reviewer invited", which sometimes implies that a reviewer objected to further reviewing a manuscript or one of the reviewers'...
01 January 1970 1,960 4 View
Over time, it looks confusing if there is any shortcoming in the choice of publishing continually in one journal, rather than choosing different journals for different paper submissions... I...
01 January 1970 1,811 5 View
Sometimes, I feel it is required for every journal to get a language editor. Do you think it is, or not necessarily required?
01 January 1970 5,301 43 View
To write a captivating, motivating and scientifically attractive application, what are the needed tips to have one?.
01 January 1970 2,741 11 View
Many questions have arisen due to designation of the position of a corresponding authorship among; 1. the originator of an idea (the owner of the concept), 2. the person who uploads the...
01 January 1970 4,322 55 View
Today, it is unarguable that numbers of research outcomes are highly proliferating, with very huge number being sponsored with grant funding. Again, one of the formidable challenges militating...
01 January 1970 2,558 8 View
Phil Davis, a bibliometric expert wrote when Lancet took the 2021/2022 impact factor lead: "No discovery or invention in the history of science can come close to the effect COVID-19 papers had on...
01 January 1970 2,407 4 View