We routinely store samples for later analysis in TRIzol. As long as you are working in RNAse free conditions you should be fine. You may consider homogenizing the tissue in the TRIzol prior to freezing, but it is not completely necessary if you are using the appropriate volume for your number of cells/size of tissue. Once it is in the TRIzol it is completely stable at -20C for several weeks.
We have had issues with RNA purity after TRIzol purification (usually contaminating TRI-reagent), but cleaning up over an RNA column always solves this. Typically putting the samples in TRIzol is the most expensive step, so we only do it if we are reasonably sure that we will analyze them at a later date.
Thank you very much for you input. After your suggestions and others this is what I end up doing, and i worked very well:
washed the 3dpf zebrafishembros in PBS
Added 10ul RNAlater/fishembryo (3dpf)
Directly incubated on ice and then at 4C for 24 hours.
Stored at -20 for 10 days
Thaw samples in RT and removed RNAlater by pipetting.
Homogenized with a Biovortexer Mixer in 0.5ml TRIzol for with lysing (step 1-8) and then Qiagen Rneasy Micro Kit "Appendix C: RNA Cleanup after Lysis and Homogenization with QIAzol® Lysis Reagent" where I diluted in 14ul.
I extracted from pools of 10, 20 and 40 3dpf embryos and got around 250 ng RNA/fish and a RIN of 10 for all samples.