1. Not more than two IP per day and I would strongly recommend not doing more than one. The minimum number of IP injections, the better. Every time you inject, there is a chance that you could hit vital organs. Even if you do it perfectly every time, think of all the suffering. The stress of being handled/injected too often could itself have an impact on your experimental readout.
2. Not more than 100 uL/injection (saline). I would recommend diluting DMSO as much as possible. I have not gone higher than maybe 10 uL/injection with DMSO. And that too every alternate day. The total blood volume of a mouse is only 1 mL.
You could always do lots of injections and lots of volume (provided you are allowed to) but when working with animals, it is better to minimize handling/stress to ensure you are not adding to the variability that is inherent in the system.