I'm speaking of this kind of magic that made radioactivity principles to be discovered. Untidy Becquerel, after an hard day of research, forgot 2 pieces of granite stone on a photographic plaque: that's how he got the first shot of radioactivity. Something he did not planned gave him the keys to understand radioactivity. Because he took the time to recognize his error, analyzed it and begun to plan a theory. At times, life is more generous even and at my humble level, I was so surprised to have shot an image, almost by chance, (because I thought it would be a nice tattoo) and without knowing what it meant, to get aware it was one of the central motifs of my historical-literary investigation: the logo of the famous Manutius family from Venice, who invented book edition: a dolphin rolled up on an anchor. Personally, it gave me the sensation to have entered by chance in Ali Baba's cavern (see my text Antonio Manutius aka Hassan Pacha Veneziano's library). Do you have personal episodes of magical incidents in your research? (Profitable errors, unpredictable things happening, unusual events that change the direction of the wind, etc.)