I have a problem in galvanostatic tests during the charge, as you can see in the joined photos, and I don't know the source of the problem, Please if any of you encounter this type of problem could you help with the answer?
Soraia El Moutchou I cannot give u an exact answer, but i note that your GCD curve provides a very nice triangular curve for the 1st cycle and later it is not able to recharge-discharge in next cycles.
It apparently tells us that during/after the first GCD your coin cell may has encountered some physical damage (e.g. current leakage) and because of that physical damage it is not reproducing the same GCD cycles.
1. I think you should prepare newer samples and test again.
2. Try to open the 1st coin cell and see if it is physically damaged from inside (electrodes or separator etc).
3. Also try to conduct GCDs at slightly higher voltage rates (50 mV/s etc).