in photokilling experiments (e. g. UV + bacteria models), we often refer to the so called "time-dose reciprocity law", which applies with some limitations (which I wouln't like to consider in this context).
Shouldn't it be better called "time - dose rate reciprocity law" ?
To clarify symbols:
D = "dose" = fluence = Joule/cm^2
E = irradiance = Watt/cm^2
T = irradiation time
In fact, if I am not wrong this law predicts that the same effect (i. e. the photokilling "logs") will be obtained with a certain dose D, in principle regardless of the values of T and E,
being T x E = D.
Then, the two quantities whose product is constant if we want to have a constant effect are time and dose rate (= fluence rate = irradiance), not time and dose (=fluence).
Where is my mistake ?
Thank you!!