I ran a primer efficiency for a primer set that was previously validated to have an efficiency of 100% as practice because I thought I was having pipetting errors. The 10-fold serial dilutions (5 in total) were from a colleague and were previously used for primer efficiencies as well. I have ran two primer efficiencies for this set and got efficiencies of 69% and 76%. My R^2 values were 0.99 for both. The Tm for the primers is 60 degrees C. My PCR conditions were 95 C for 3min, 40 cycles of 95 C for 10s, 55C (or 60C for the 2nd run) for 10s, and 72C for 30s. A melt curve was also run and looked normal. Any suggestions on why the primer efficiency is low for a previously validated set?

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